The Sinus ID app helps students and patients learn and professionals teach sinus anatomy. Clear full color images and animations show the sinuses from the front, side and top views. Side view includes the turbinates', front view includes deviated septum, side and front views include polyp views. Front and side animations include normal and abnormal liquid flow.•Structure ID for the front, side and top sinuses and side turbinates. As each part is touched, the part highlights and the part name and description text changes. Description text shows or hides on demand.
• Animations for the front and side views of sinus normal and abnormal liquid flow, side view of turbinate normal and abnormal liquid flow.
• Video: a large close-up video of normal turbinate and one of polyps with prior sinus surgery.• Two finger zoom and pan of all animations and structure ID pages.
• Drawing Whiteboard feature: Drawing: freeform lines in red, blue, green or black hue. Draw and text directly on active animation and video. Screenshot whiteboard direct to Photos App for easy email and printing.
• Best viewed on tablet type device